Public Sector Undertakings are also being evaluated as commercial entities expected to maximize returns on investment. Management of these PSUs are expected to take business decisions in a dynamic scenario with all the attendant risks and competition with Private/MNCs.

However the rules and regulation of the government as well as the guidelines issued by the vigilance commission from time to time cannot be ignored in the name of competition and for earning profit for the company.

Do's :-

  • Treat official matters as your own and handle the same with prudence and care you apply in your personal matters
  • Do a periodical self-assessment or self-analysis of yourself as a public servant, a good citizen and a vigilant professional and also about what others think and talk of you.
  • Maintain absolute integrity and devotion to duty.
  • Always be firm in conviction and determination.
  • Do consider everyone as honest and well meaning, unless proved otherwise.
  • Remember always that corruption starts in a small way; it would thus be wise to nip the evil in the bud.
  • Take prompt and firm action to bring the corrupt to book. This will enhance the moral health of the organization, give extra impetus to the honest and keep the corrupt few under constant pressure. Those on the fence will jump over to your side.
  • Respect the law, Protect the law, Defend the law. It protects and defends you in need.
  • "Ignorance of Law is no excuse" is a popular saying in legal studies. The same is true in vigilance too. Strengthen your knowledge on vigilance related rules and regulations. You would then be safe.
Don'ts :-

  • Never be instrumental in building up a case against an employee.
  • Never register a vigilance case under local pressures or pressure out of department including affinity, acquaintance etc.
  • Never arrive at hasty or faulty conclusions.
  • Never be swayed by preconceptions, pressures, surmises, and conjectures.
  • Don't ask for any undue favor.
  • Don't avail of any non-entitled facility even if offered.
  • Treat one rupee of public money as equivalent to a hundred rupees of your own.
  • Never do anything that is morally indefensible and contrary to law.
  • Never adopt back door method for getting anything done. It will not last. It may put you in trouble too.
  • Never violate the principle of consistency in word, thought and deed in all official matters. This should also be in harmony with what is correct and proper