Training of Board Members Policy

At HPL, we strongly believe that continuous learning is necessary for growth and development. Training is given utmost importance in the company across all levels. The Board of Directors at the highest level in the Organization Structure too require appropriate training opportunities so that they understand their role more clearly and carry out their functions more effectively. To accomplish this, the DPE guidelines, under Clause 3.7, provides for Training of new Board members.


This policy framework covers all the Directors on the Board i.e. functional Directors, Govt. nominees and independent directors.
Being a board member involves being well- informed, participating in planning and policy making, ensuring a sound financial footing, and monitoring and evaluating the management and governance of the organization. This policy seeks to put in place a framework to ensure that the new members of the Board are provided with relevant information and necessary inputs about the Company to enable them to discharge their duties and responsibilities effectively in the overall interest of the Company and various stakeholders.


  1. Immediately after the appointment of the new Members to the Board, a communication shall be arranged to be sent on behalf of CMD welcoming the new Directors.
  2. A copy of the Board Manual, which will serve as an initial introduction to the organization as well as an ongoing reference to new members of the Board shall also be forwarded. Board manual should include:
    • Company profile;
    • Company’s Mission, Vision and MoU for the current financial year;
    • Major elements of the company's business;
    • Performance of the business during current financial year;
    • The company's Memorandum & Articles of Association and what they say about the operation of the board;
    • The composition of the board;
    • Brief bio-data and contact details of all the Directors of the Company;
    • Details of other Directors, and their committee membership;
    • Board committees;
    • Board procedure (e.g. circulation of documents prior to meetings, venue of meetings, circulation of minutes);
    • Frequency of board meetings; meetings currently scheduled , if any;
    • Key individuals (other than the board).

As a measure of ongoing training, Directors shall be updated on all business related matters including Finance, Business development, HR, Technical and new initiatives proposed by the Company through presentations and written material at the meeting of the which could be convened as convenient to them.

In addition, the Directors shall be nominated by the Company to external training programmes on Corporate Governance and other relevant programmes from time to time, as may be organised by any Institutes/ Professional bodies of repute in India to update them on various aspects, which will help in better functioning as Directors of the company. Towards the same, the convenience of the directors shall be taken for such courses. Towards optimising the expenditure, the location of the programme could preferably be New Delhi or any venue nearest to the city of residence of the Director.