The Central Vigilance Commission acts as an apex organization for exercising general superintendence and control over vigilance matters in administration and probity in public life.

Vigilance Administration in HPL, is headed by a Chief Vigilance Officer (CVO), who acts as a liaison between the Corporation and the Central Vigilance Commission and the Ministry and also between the Corporation and the Central Bureau of Investigation.

The structure of Vigilance Division in HPL is as below :-

The Vigilance functions can broadly be divided into three parts :-

  • Preventive vigilance
  • Punitive vigilance
  • Surveillance and detection.

While surveillance and punitive action are for commission of misconduct and other malpractices, the preventive measures taken by the CVO are considered more important as these are meant to reduce the number of vigilance cases considerably.

The CVC provides necessary guidelines for effectively carrying out vigilance administration in Govt. offices through various circulars/directives/vigilance manual. These circulars/ directives/ vigilance manual can be downloaded from their website

As per CVC direction, anybody who has any complaint what so ever regarding corruption in HPL, is free to lodge a complaint to either to CVO, HPL or to the CMD, HPL or the CVC, New Delhi, to the following addresses. In case the complainant does not want his/her name to be revealed he/she may request for the same and utmost are shall be taken to conceal his/her identity under the "Public Interest Disclosure Resolution" of CVC :-

The Chief Vigilance Officer The Chairperson cum Managing Director The Secretary
Hindustan Prefab Limited,
New Delhi - 110014
Hindustan Prefab Limited,
New Delhi - 110014
Central Vigilance Commission,
Satarkata Bhawan Block-A, GPO Complex, INA
New Delhi-110 023
Ph-011-43149800-899 Ph-011-43149800-899 Ph-011-24651001
Fax-011-43149865 Fax-011-43149865 Fax-011-24618213